Impacting Urban Futures
School of Planning Impacting Urban Futures

Eco Ring Cincinnati
Humans have already caused irreversible climate changes, which will continue to get worse if cities do not make addressing climate change a top priority. Amidst these challenges, the manufacturing industry is undergoing significant transformations. To mitigate climate risks and prepare the city for new manufacturing opportunities, it's time to reimagine Cincinnati's historically industrial corridor. Eco Ring Cincinnati is a project catalyzed by sustainability, equity, and economic prosperity. The Eco Ring follows Cincinnati’s manufacturing corridor and encompasses fifteen neighborhoods and the Village of St. Bernard. The project will adopt a phased approach, first targeting neighborhoods that are at highest risk for environmental injustice. Once completed, the project will have transformed the city’s manufacturing corridor into a protective ring: Eco Ring Cincinnati. Eco Ring Cincinnati will position the City of Cincinnati in a way that effectively manages the threats of climate change and fosters future growth in manufacturing in a sustainable way.
BUP Capstone
Grace Schoenknecht